Lasantha Marian wrote:
   *------- Original Message --------*
*Subject: *     [users] Date issue on open calc
*Date: *        Thu, 12/Jul/2007 5:01:13 AM +0550
*From: *        Jonathon Coombes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*To: *

On 11/07/2007, at 9:56 PM, Lasantha Marian wrote:

This problem has been there since the beginning of OOo 2.2.x (starting
with RCs') and I have brought the attention of the developers also to
the same by this bug report
( Nothing
positive has happened yet. OOo 2.0.x series is immune to this problem.
Maybe we should look at breaking this down and focusing on the problem
at hand. The bug that is mentioned refers to problems only under MS
Windows, and is not even listed as a confirmed problem at this point?
Secondly, the time difference seems to be a standard 1 day difference
whereas the OP said they had a difference of 2 days?

The circumstances under which I found the problem were different to how
you may how found the problem. But I too have done various test and can
confirm that this problem occurs under following conditions.

Any sheet having date cells imported from databases (MSSQL or
PostgreSQL) or pasted from result sets given by such programs, can have
the problem. When the cell pointer is focussed at the cell (having such
dates) the date rolls back/forward by one date.
Again, this may be the case, but I have not tested it yet, however the
original poster did not mention any issues with Base fields at all?
Simply that on saving and re-opening, the dates changed by 2 days.

Jonathan, your point I too have observed and I found that this problem
and the behavior you mentioned are mutually exclusive.
Why do you think they are different? That may be the case, but I would
be interested in how you came to that conclusion?

Jonathan, What ever the base date that I changed to, the date rolling
still occurred when I gave the cell pointer focus to such cells with dates.

I noticed during yesterdays testing, this only occurs to files with .xls
extension originally generated using Excel and NOT with .ods extension.

All my former test have been performed on Windows XP with OOo 2.2.x but
I did some tests today on a Fedora 7 with OOo 2.2.0 and it works without
this problem either on .xls originally generated by Excel or .ods files.

Could this be a compounded Windows issue? A way that OOo workes with the locale settings on Windows and how Windows calulates dates? Change a setting on the Windows machine possibly changing from a single day to two days?

I don't have a Windows machine to thy this on, just throwing ideas out.

Due to the move to Exchange Server,
   anything that is a priority, please phone.
Robin Laing

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