At 01:51 12/07/2007 -0400, Mitchel Cohen wrote:
When I cut and paste from Open Office into Eudora, single returns at the end of a line in Open Office become double-spaced in Eudora. I then have to go through entire documents to eliminate the extra unwanted space between lines.

What do you suggest? (Yea, many happy returns to you too!) :-)

There are a number of workarounds:

o Create your text in OpenOffice Writer with line breaks (Shift+Enter) instead of paragraph breaks. These will convert to single line breaks instead of double in Eudora.

o Use Edit | Paste Special... and then select "Rich Text (RTF)" in Eudora. This seems to preserve the line structure as well as some of the formatting.

o Use Edit | Paste Special... and then select "Unformatted Text" in Eudora (or, more simply, just use Ctrl+Shift+V). This will lose the formatting, but keep the proper line spacing. Since sending e-mail messages as plain text is usually better, this may well be the easiest and best option.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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