> Hi all,
> I have succeeded in convincing my company management to switch to OOo 2.2.1 
> in 
> stead of M$-Office XP Pro. In the mean time, we can buy a dual core AMD 64 
> bit system for less than what M$-Office Pro. costs.
> We are now in a changeover situation, where, for now, only the new PC's are 
> installed with OOo 2.2.1. The rest will use the current licensed M$ Office 
> 2003 Pro till it will be updated; not to M$ but to OOo. Also, 90 % of our 
> customers send us M$-Office Documents, which means we have to work with the 
> M$ doc and xls formats when we exchange files to the PC's with M$-Office, and 
> our customers. (With the external world all documents will be converted to 
> PDF's, but most customers using M$-Office do not have the great save to PDF 
> as OOo has)
> Some Word documents use embedded spreadsheet (Excel) objects, i.e. when the 
> object is clicked upon, excel opens and the calculations are made for the 
> entries as they are entered. When the Excel sheet is closed, the data is put 
> into the Word document as a table with the calculated contents. 
> OOo Writer and Calc are set to use M$ document format as the default format 
> which they are "saved as", till all have the OOo installation. 
> One PC has both M$-Office 2003 and OOo 2.2.1 installed. When the Word 
> document 
> with the embedded Excel table is opened by OOo, it automatically uses Excel 
> to change the embedded Excel table successfully.
> The new PC has _no_ M$-office on it, just OOo 2.2.1. When the same document 
> is 
> opened with the embedded Excel/Spreadsheet object, it can be read in Calc, 
> but it is RO. With Calc the embedded table cannot be changed. 
> Is there some setup necessary to allow Calc to do the editing in the embedded 
> Excel table?


Make sure that the option to convert objects on Load and Save is set for
all formats.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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