Perhaps, use a master document with individual sections as sub-documents.

Michele Zarri wrote:
On 8/7/07, Aloysius/Christine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please advise whether, in OpenOffice Writer, there is code for the user to
enter PageCount for each section of a document or each set of pages with
same page style.  At present I can only insert PageCount code for whole
document.  In Microsoft word, you can enter this code for each section of
the document.


Hello Aloysius,

I do not think there is an easy way to do what you want. I am really
surprised that MS Word offers this functionality and I wonder what happens
when a section, instead of starting from a new page, starts in the middle of
the page. Basically I guess that the sum of the sections page count is not
equal to the total page count... strange. :-)

Anyway, back to OOo, my understanding is that PageCount always returns the
total number of pages in the document. Unfortunately this means that in
order to achieve your desired result you will have to enter manually the
number of pages of a section.

Maybe you can raise a request for enhancement and ask for this feature to be
introduced in the future versions of OOo: will explain what you have to do.



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