At 14:36 08/08/2007 -0700, Heather J McKeown wrote:
I am fairly new to open office and am having problems with linking to external data. I have tried the solutions that I have seen posts on with no success. When I go go to insert, link to external data, I type in the url of the data I am trying to link to then I hit enter as I am supposed to. It pulls up another window, text import, that allows me to select my delimiters and the type of fields I want. I hit the OK button and it takes me back to the original window and my OK button is greyed out. Is there anything that I am doing wrong or why is it not allowing me to go any further with importing data? Any help is greatly appreciated. My OS is Windows Vista.

According to the help text, external data that you link to from Calc in this way "must be located within a named range". For example, in a Calc spreadsheet, you can name a range of cells by selecting it and then using Insert | Names | Define... to set the name. If you then follow the route you have described to link to data in such a file, the available named ranges in the external document will be listed in the lower panel of the External Data dialogue box. It is probably because your external document has no named range that the panel is empty and the OK button is greyed out. Or have you just not yet selected one of the available ranges?

Your detailed description suggests that you are trying to import a text or CSV file. According to the help text, you cannot do this using this technique. Instead, you should use File | Open... to retrieve data from such files.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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