On Wednesday 01 August 2007 18:31, Ken Burnside wrote:

> I run Windows at home/work, and take due precautions - firewall,
> anti-virus, anti-spyware, strip attachments into a different
> partition.  I run in user mode, not admin mode.
> I run Windows because it runs the software that I need to be
> productive.  I have used Ubuntu, Red Hat and SuSE, BeOS and Zeta...and
> it all comes down to this:
> Can I get my work done on these systems?
> And for most of the things I need to do, in the formats that my
> industry demands, the answer is a resounding "No, not yet."  Even when
> alternatives exist, with the NOTABLE exception of OO, the vast
> majority of the alternatives in Linux are harder to use,
> feature-incomplete, or documented in Rot-13 Urdu panagyrics.

> One of these days.  But that day isn't today, it isn't going to be
> tomorrow, either.

I don't disagree with you entirely, since I don't have to deal with the 
software you need to use. Some of the more specialized software I need to 
use, like my diabetes glucometer software is not available in Linux, at all.

I have, however started the conversion by moving all my boxes to dual boot 
Opensuse Linux and Windows XP, moving as much of the functionality over to 
Linux as possible. I can probably do 80-90 % of my work without ever booting 
Windows at this point, and I keep finding new stuff to extend my Linux 

CrossOver Linux is very good at getting common software to run under Linux, 
and I use it for some legacy apps I don't want to convert data for, like my 
old Quicken files. (Wine is more cutting edge, but you're more on your own.)

I think probably the most pressing need is for better Linux program 
documentation - especially documentation that doesn't expect you to begin by 
untarring files.

I largely exempt Open Office from this observation, but even OO could use 
improvement dealing with mail merge and labels, etc. Guess that means each 
Linux user needs to help, too.


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