On Friday 17 August 2007 00:10:27 jonathon wrote:
> Frank Cox wrote:
> > She asked a very simple question:  Is it legal for me to use OO
> > on several computers without paying a license fee.
> The answer to that is "it depends"
> What contracts has she signed?  What is the wording of those
> contracts?
> > The answer to her question is yes.
> > I therefore provided her with correct and accurate information.
> If installing FLOSS is a breech of contract, what is your defence
> going to be when she sues you for triple damages?

As Frank has said there has never been such law suits. Show us where 
there has been one. Until then you need to stop with all this legal 
BS about potential law suits because they aren't going to happen. 
There aren't any contracts that say you can't install free software 
simply because its free so quit saying there are. The 
OpenOffice.org software is covered under the LGPL so any one CAN 
install and use the software on any computer for any reason 

-- See the Openoffice.org FAQ
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