jonathon wrote:
> > There aren't any contracts that say you can't install free software
> a) I've seen contracts that prohibited the installation of FLOSS;
> b) I've seen EULAs that prohibited the installation of the software on a
> FLOSS platform;
> As far as lawsuits go, those are settled out of court, because the only
> issues are:
> * Did the breach of contract occur;
> * If so, what is the penalty;
> When a contract clearly states "x", and both sides admit "not x"
> occurred, the only point of contention is how much to pay in damages.
> Something that is more easily solved by settling out of court, than
> going through the courts. (If negotiations break down, companies are
> more likely to go through arbitration, than the courts, because the
> latter is faster, and usually cheaper for both sides.)

Regardless, such contracts are not an issue for this list.

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