On 08/21/2007 03:56 AM, ccornell - OpenOffice.org wrote:
>> VERY confusing - especially for someone new to computers or at least to
>> non-Microsoft programmes ! A real reorganisation is called for here....
> Yes, and reorganization is in the works.
> Consider the Wiki FAQ as leading.  The WebFAQs which are incredibly old 
> in places (some refer to solutions for StarOffice v5.1 for example) are 
> no longer current.  If you to http://documentation.openoffice.org/ and 
> click the FAQ link it will take you to the Wiki (currently to a Wiki 
> redirect page... I will request that to be fixed).  The main page FAQ 
> (and other) links should also be redirected to the Wiki FAQ.
> Hang in there... a lot is being done to open things up so that the 
> community can help keep it up to date - such as moving things like the 
> FAQs over to the Wiki.  There is a lot to do, but we're getting there. :-)
> C.

Thanks Clayton. The wiki pages are starting to look much better :-)

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