At 23:42 25/08/2007 -0600, Stephen K Schuck wrote:
Just loaded 2.2.1. All aspects function, apparently. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to import msWRITE files, of which I have many. msWord will import them without problem. Have I missed something? provides an alternative to upgrading from msWORKS to msOFFICE. Unfortunately, OOo 2.2.1 doesn't seem able to import msWORKS spreadsheet or msWORKS database, the only two components that I use. Have I missed something?

This apparent inability to convert my significant number of legacy files makes OOo 2.2.1 of questionable utility. I hope there is a solution.

Conversion problems such as this are always much more easily and effectively handled at the starting end rather than the receiving end. If possible, return to your instances of Windows Write and Microsoft Works (or find a friends with one) and save your files in alternative formats that you can read into OpenOffice: o Microsoft Works spreadsheet can save as Excel (.xls) or comma-separated value (.csv). o Microsoft Works database can save as dBase (.dbf) - OpenOffice Base can apparently connect to this - as well as .csv.
o  Windows Write can save as Microsoft Word (.doc) or "text only".

If that is not possible, there is a partial workaround for some of these file types which may help you. You seem to be using Windows; if so, download and install the free viewers for Microsoft Word and Excel document files from the Microsoft web site. (A Powerpoint viewer is also available.) Open your existing files in these: the Word viewer will accept Windows Write files (as well as Works word processor files) and the Excel viewer will accept Works spreadsheet files. Select all the text and copy-and-paste it into OpenOffice Writer or Calc as appropriate. This will carry over your data and preserve most of the formatting, at least.

If you wish, you can also download and install the Compatibility Pack for Office, in which case these viewers will also accept the new Office 2007 file formats. These can then be handled in the same way.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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