> my formal stance on it is quite 'neutral'. Like the saying in IT, "It's all 
> just

I've come to the conclusion that RMS was right when he said that using
closed source software was unethical.

>But, now I've just found out how DIRTY M$ is in doing their business.

You don't say what country.  I'll assume that your country is the one
that the TDL of your email address.

However, that doesn't make any difference.
Every country that voted "yes", or "yes with comments" did so because
M$ lied, cheated, bribed, and pulled every illegal act that it could,
to push the standard through.

>\So far the voting reach a deadlock, meaning that M$ OXML is still rejected as

Er no.  That means that the vote will be "Yes".

For this vote M$ is working very heard to ensure that the following
standards are adhered to:
* a "yes" vote is a "yes"
* A "yes vote with comments"  is "yes"
* A "no vote with comments" is "yes"
* A "vote to abstain" is a "yes"
* A "no" vote" is an abstention;

If that does not result in a majority of "yes" votes, then votes w2ill
be discarded until they have the majority of votes.  Discarded votes
are to come from "no" votes.  Votes are discarded on the basis that
"no" means "yes".

>However, seeing how DIRTY M$ is, the next voting is still makes us worried.

I"m sorry, but from what you have said, your country will vote "yes"
for  OOXML.
The only way to do damage control, is to throw the person who is
running the show into jail for bribery, and similar corrupt actions.
Whilst it is not absolutely necessary that the charges stem from the
OOXML issue, that would be helpful.(If Sharia Law is in force in your
country, there are a number of other issues that M$ vendors,
suppliers, and the like can be convicted of.  None of their business
practices are in accordance with the Q'ran.)

>Has this kind of DIRTY POLITICS happens in other countries regarding ODF (Open
Document Format) vs M$ OXML?

M$ appears to be playing cleaner in your country, than in other countries.

>As a positive point of view, I think it is an early sign that they have lost
confidence in competing technically, and thus they're using this kind
of "DIRTY" lobbying.

Whenever M$ has had to compete on the basis of the technical merits of
their products, they have lost. This is as true with TRS-BASIC, as it
with OOXML.


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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