On Friday 21 September 2007 09:26:47 Michael Adams wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 18:44:59 -0700
> NoOp wrote:
> > On 09/20/2007 06:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On Thursday 20 September 2007 20:57:35 Michael Adams wrote:
> > >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 20:35:52 +0100
> > >>
> > >> Harold Fuchs wrote:
> > >> > On 20/09/2007 13:45, CPHennessy wrote:
> > >> > > On Wednesday 19 September 2007,
> > >> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >> > >> FYI to all.  I sent a request to the
> > >> > >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> > >
> > >> > >list> that handles the website asking that subscription
> > >> > > be required to> post to the list. Maybe we will see it
> > >> > > happen.
> > >> > >
> > >> > >
> > >> > > That ios exactly how this list works. The only addition
> > >> > > is that moderators can accept mails from unsubscribed
> > >> > > users, and with these emails we have the header
> > >> > > 'Deliever-to: moderator' added.
> > >> >
> > >> > CPH, forgive me for being blunt but that's nonsense.
> > >> > "linuxmaillists" is requesting that subscription *be
> > >> > required* to post to this list. That is exactly how this
> > >> > list does *not* work.
> > >> >
> > >> > In addition to adding "Delivered-To: moderator ..." why oh
> > >> > why oh why can't ***all*** messages from unsubscribed
> > >> > users have something like "[Moderated]" added to the
> > >> > ***Subject*** line so that *every* user, regardless of
> > >> > what mail/news reader s/he's using can *see* that the
> > >> > message comes from an unsubscribed user?
> > >> >
> > >> > What we have now is at best sub-prime (!!!). Many
> > >> > mail/news readers readers can't filter on the Delivered-To
> > >> > header; users reading the digest don't get those headers
> > >> > and, last but not least only *some* messages from
> > >> > unsubscribed users have "[Moderated]" in the subject line.
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > ***Please***
> > >>
> > >> It is only a problem to some. It is set up to make it as
> > >> easy as possible for anyone to get assistance using one of
> > >> the three methods. If you can't handle that and see it as
> > >> sub optimal then you have the issue. I have had no issue
> > >> with it for years.
> > >
> > > Do you like seeing the same questions asked several times a
> > > day everyday? There are a lot of casual users on Windows, and
> > > now apparently MAC as well, who do not even try to find an
> > > answer to their question they just go to the site find the
> > > e-mail address that they think is going to one person or paid
> > > support and ask their question that was already answered 6
> > > times today and yesterday and the day before etc. etc. etc.
> > >
> > > Also if the people who so readily give the answers to those
> > > FAQs would stop doing it and start pointing the person to the
> > > archive or the FAQ page on the website, then some of it would
> > > stop and some of these casual users would learn how to think
> > > for them selves and find their answers without annoying 1000s
> > > of people on the list with the same old FAQs.
> > > Maybe these people don't know what FAQ (Frequently Asked
> > > Question) is and don't realize that the FAQs probably contain
> > > their answer and they could have found it quicker rather than
> > > later waiting for someone on this list to send them the
> > > answer.
> >
> > As the archives will show, I've long been in favor of requiring
> > subscription to the list. However, I think that Michael and
> > others have good points in that making casual question posters
> > subscribe could potentially cause many first time users to move
> > on if they can't ask/find a question.
> >
> > I think that there are two issues:
> >
> > 1. Unsubscribed posts that do not carry the [moderated] or
> > similar heading in the subject line. That *needs* to be fixed.
> > If it were, then many of the complaints here would stop.
> >
> > 2. The OOo FAQs. They are in such a disarray on the OOo website
> > that even I am confused by their multiple links to dated, and
> > often inaccurate information. Were the OOo website and the FAQ
> > links fixed I am positive that much of the unsubscribed "can
> > this run on Vista etc" traffic would be reduced.
> Some people seem to be talking about an [EXPERT] list. As a
> member of the subscribe only Mandrake/Mandriva Expert list for 5
> years i would say adding an OO.o subscribe only expert list may
> be a good idea. How about an RFE for that as a compromise
> solutiuon?

I am not talking about an expert list. I welcome the new users. I am 
talking about making this list work like every other list out 
there. People must subscribe, newbie and expert. We cannot expect 
newbies to learn anything with we keep letting them do things the 
lazy way, by not subscribing, by not being forced to declare they 
read the FAQs. The microsoft way is to just spoon feed the user so 
they will continue to not learn anything and continue to need help 
from an "Expert" (Sarcasm intended). That will keep Microsoft in as 
much control over their users as they can possibly be in control of 
them. Look how each new OS from Microsoft is more complex, 
confusing and restrictive then the last.

If you feed some one you fed them for one night. If you teach them 
how to feed themselves you fed them for a life time. I know it is 
not quoted exactly correct but it gets my point across.

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