On 09/25/2007 07:03 PM, Paul wrote:
>> [snip]
>> > >
>> > > According to the system requirements page:
>> > > http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/sys_reqs_20.html
>> > > OOo (OpenOffice.org) can be used on Windows 98
>> > > However you might check that page to ensure your hardware meets the
>> > > minimum specification.
>> >
>> > Thats interesting because on this page
>> > http://download.openoffice.org/2.3.0/index.html just under the windows
>> > option there is text ( All versions (>98)) which to me indicates that
>> > newer than win98 is required...
>> >
>> > Little discrepancy...
>> >
>> > /paul
>> OOo is supposed to work on all windows OS from 98 up excluding NT. The
>> information found on a lot pages on the OOo site is out dated and the
>> terminology is not understood be most people. This is being address on
>> the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail list. This list is where all this
>> stuff can be corrected so anything about the website needs to be directed
>> to that list. Talking about it on this list will not accomplish much
>> unless someone brings it up on the other list when they see here.
>> Everyone who wants to see the site improve with regards to the information
>> and navigation and searching needs to join the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> mail list and make your voice heard.
> Agree.. advice should go to the appropriate area. However it is not
> intuitive that dev@ would be somewhere to post these issues. Now it is known
> I'll send a separate mail.
> Thanks for the advice.
> /paul

I was unsure if that is indeed the proper place:



After languishing for many months, website.openoffice.org is now open
for business. We even have a dedicated mailing list, which you can
subscribe to from the Project Tools to the left. So, if you dislike the
current look, are annoyed by the fonts (too small, wrong color, you name
it), and have the skills and want to change it (or just want to change
it), join this project and start contributing!

However, clicking on that link provides:


and it's not real clear if perhaps this might be the place:


View mailing list archive | Search mailing list archive

    unmoderated list

But after a look at:
which has just 2 posts for September I suspect that
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is probably the place to be.

That begs the question: what happened to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and why even have it if it's essentially a dead list? So, let's try
ditto. How about [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem is that the OOo website needs a major overhaul. Full stop.

So, back to: http://website.openoffice.org/

The best way to contribute: if you are an HTML coder (it doesn't matter
whether you just WYSIWYG or you like getting your nose stuck into the
source code itself) and would like to work directly on the site's HTML
code, join the mailing-list, and once you have become familiar with the
problems and challenges the site presents, ask for developer status and
start to work on those pages which most need to be worked on.

Perhaps OOo needs a way for actual users to more easily contribute &
comment rather than via the bug list and/or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
list. Website bug reports fall on deaf ears; example:


On a standard 17" 1024x768 monitor Have a look at:

All simple fixes. All ignored.

No wonder this list gets (unsubscribed w/out a [Moderated] subject line
tag) like this:

> Your instructions are generally too complicated and too full of the  
> jargon for me to cope with.   I am bitterly disappointed that OO does  
> not seem to work for me: it freezes the printer, when I give it more  
> complicated instructions, and seem obsessed with allowing only  
> commmon US paper sizes.   Also, when I look for help, much of it  
> where it ought to be listing topics gives unintelligibly broken-up  
> lines of text, or even merely a straight line where text ought to be.
>     I may have done something wrong while trying to follow the  
> installation  instructions -- but I may not; much of it works  
> fine.    But much is not enough; I shan't live much longer.    I fear  
> I must uninstall and release space for someone else's WP, presumably  
> the dread MS Word.    I hate the thought of doing that, since it goes  
> against the Apple and OO grains.   Is there anything I can do ?      
> If not, please tell me how to get OO out of my laptop completely and  
> for ever, a good club I must resign from.  Thanks.    Roger Lake.

It's very possible that his printer setup is at fault. However what is
important is this:

"Your instructions are generally too complicated and too full of the
jargon for me to cope with."

"Also, when I look for help, much of it
where it ought to be listing topics gives unintelligibly broken-up
lines of text, or even merely a straight line where text ought to be."

It appears that he did attempt to find some help via the website and/or
other sources before posting. In fact he somehow managed to find a link
to post on this list, so he didn't just appear here out of thin air.

Anyway, perhpaps [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the right place to
complain. But it shouldn't be.


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