Scott Castaline wrote:
Joe Smith wrote:
Scott Castaline wrote:
... When I tried it from a terminal I get "no suitable windowing system found, exiting". After google search I found some old issues with this and tried what was mentioned as the fix, with no luck. My guess is that the relabeling "broke" something, but what? Any ideas? ...

Umm, a little more specific information would be helpful: OS (distro), OOo version for starters, and exactly what you tried that didn't work.

Checking the system logs on my Fedora 7 system[1], I see messages like this when I run any recent releases (2.2.x or 2.3.x) downloaded from

|| Oct 14 23:27:13 duros setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing
|| /opt/ from loading
|| /opt/
|| which requires text relocation.  For complete SELinux messages. run
|| sealert -l f3df2cec-e46f-4bda-9169-84292c35bbff

Running the command given there, I see (among a ton of other information), this:

|| Allowing Access
|| If you trust
|| /opt/ to
|| run correctly, you can change the file context to textrel_shlib_t.
|| ...
|| The following command will allow this access:
|| chcon -t textrel_shlib_t /opt/

Running that command fixes the problem for me.

There is also a handy desktop applet that provides a nice GUI version of the same info.

Make sure you use the exact path to the file that causes the problem--yours will certainly be different than what is shown here, or what you find in someone else's instructions.

[1] /var/log/messsages



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I am not getting any error messages in any of the logs, just the message on the terminal when I launch by command line, that is mentioned earlier. No other indications given.

uname -r =
OOo version 2.3.0

The SELinux troubleshooter does not give any messages or indicates anything is wrong. I did try putting it in Permissive mode and the problem dissappeared. I then set it to try another relabel of the harddrives at reboot. Reset to enforce, rebooted and problem is still there. I'd rather try to resolve this than to just disable it. I've never been one to take the easy way out, which is why I don't like M$.

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I am replying to my reply, because I am finally seeing the error that Joe Smith mentions in my syslog file. I am kind of surprised that this did not show up in the SELinux troubleshooter GUI like it usually does. I was able to pull up the full explanation when I used the CLI command sealert -l and then applying chcon -t to the file did finally fix it. Thank you all for your help. I am still learning about SELinux and not fully aware of all of the CLI commands yet.

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