At 23:56 25/10/2007 -0500, Stephanie Boulee wrote:
I was just wondering if there was a way to make styles universally available to all documents without having to import them from each individual document they were created in, and without having to accept an entire template. For example, say I have a page style that I want from one document, character styles from another, list styles from a third, and, oh wait, there were some character styles I wanted to use from a fourth.................. Do you see how time consuming it could be trying to remember what document a certain style was created/used in and importing them, or how much time it would save not having to re-create them all again? This is just something I think would be helpful, and was wondering if it was already possible or not.

I don't know that you can do exactly what you ask. But there is a workaround of sorts. You could create a document - perhaps called Styles - which was empty except that you would put into in all the styles that you thought you might want to use again. It would become a library of styles, and you could add new styles to it as you created useful ones. Then you could import this library of styles from the Styles and Formatting window into any new document using Load Styles... | From File... .

You can even save a step by making your library a template instead of a document file: you can then see this directly from the Load Styles window. Note that you are *not* importing or using the template itself this way, just importing the library of styles that you have accumulated there.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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