Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
I want to find all instances of the end of a sentence that is followed by a
single space and replace the single space with a double space.
As far as I can tell, it is not available in Word, either.  It is, however,
a fairly simple expression in vi, sed and all related Linux/Unix text editor
programs (I'm guessing emacs can also do this, but I've never used it).  The
vi command is :g/\([.!?]["']* \)\([^ ]\)/s//\1 \2/g (globally search for the
expression, grouping the front and back separately, replace with part one,
space, part two, globally on each line as well).

Is this possible in OOo at all?

OOo does not support (sub-patterns) in the replacement.

As a workaround, run your search ("Find All")--now all the end-of-sentence gaps are selected. Now do a new Find & Replace, changing < > (one space) to < > (two spaces) and tick the More Options > Current selection only = YES.

Not pretty, but it works.


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