Colin, just for clarity, are you saying that the free ftp software WITH
userID and pwd seems okay to you? Or am I misunderstanding your meaning?


-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Sharpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Re: FTP Software - What do I use?

--- Frank Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The "se3curity" is always important.  If you're
> uploading files for all the world to see and someone

> else gets your passwords, then he can also upload
> files for all the world to see.  Viruses, phishing
> sites, warez distribution points, you-name-it.
> Start worrying.  Please.

It depends on what you're getting or putting with ftp.
 In a lot of cases, such as most free software, the
file is available to everyone in the world by
anonymous ftp, requiring no password or user ID.  When
dealing with open source over anonymous ftp, security,
or even se3curity, is not an issue.  Maybe ftp'ing
secret files from one computer to another is not so
good.  In many cases encryption will help.  Like
everything else, the user needs to think about what he
is doing, and use whatever precautions are appropriate
for the task in hand.


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