To ALL: I want to second Mr. Dawson's sentiments! Hear! Hear! :-)

Ike Dawson wrote:
Good Morning All

So often we lurkers learn from and excellent content which you 'experts' and 'experienced' users offer to we lesser users free of all charge ... except the charge they all carry of loads of Good Will.

I frequently admire the style and good manners you all display sometimes in face of all sorts of provocation which would make me hit the DEL key ... but sadly we normally say nought.

Perhaps this email is going to be 'Off Topic' but I would like to say a very big personal Thank You to Adrian Try, Brian Barker, Dan Lewis, Frank Cox, Harold Fuchs, Manfred Krause, Peter Hillier-Brook and many many more I cannot just now bring to mind, for the help I've had from the list and above all for the manner and style in which you have done it.

Yours aye

Ike Dawson


You've already received excellent advice from Frank and James. Here's
another hint. Try and use something more informative for your subject
line. "Help!" does not give use information and many people might just skip over your message. In your case something like "Missing Icons?" or "Where are the Icons?" or even "Icons?" would be be a better subject than Help!.
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