On Sun, 25 Nov 2007 17:08:19 -0800 (PST)
Steven Arts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Gentlemen:
>     I need technical assistance for OpenOffice.org
> 2.0. 

You might want to try version 2.3, which is the latest.

>  If you can't help me, please forward this to
> whoever can.

This is the place.

>     I have two discs that I can't get into.  On one
> disc it comes up with a Filter Selection box, and in
> the other I get a small box that says the file is
> corrupt and should it be repaired.  But I cannot get
> into the text on either one.

Are we talking about files?  What format is your file saved as?  If your media
is corrupt, you might be out of luck.

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