
> And now me:
> If you are printing this document double-sided, you will probably
> wish to keep this blank page so that your printout keeps the odd
> pages as rectos and the even ones as versos.  But if you are printing
> single-sided, you will not want to print a spare blank page.  You can
> avoid this in two ways:
> o  To choose this globally, go to Tools | Options... | OpenOffice.org
> Writer | Print | Other and remove the tick from "Print automatically
> inserted blank pages".
> o  To make this change on the fly when printing a document, you can
> get to the same configuration page by pressing the Options... button
> from with the Print dialogue.

Hello Brian,

Thanks for the valuable information. I will check if this is already covered
in the Writer Guide and if not I will add it.



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