It's just not worth the hassle, but thanks for all
your help. I appreciate all your efforts and
suggestions. Thanks for all your time.
--- Dave Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> - -------- Original Message --------
> From: gmd01a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed 28 Nov 2007 09:59:05 EST
> > Hi, I reinstalled the WinXP version WITH the JRE
> from the website.
> Are you saying that you downloaded and reinstalled
> the OOo package?
> Unless you removed/uninstalled the previous
> installation, the installer
> program would detect the previous installation and
> only offer to
> "Repair" or "Uninstall". You have other corruption
> issues here, which
> may or may not be directly related to OOo, so just
> reinstalling is
> probably not going to resolve things like corrupted
> configuration or
> Windows Registry entries.
> > It did the exact same thing, and as you said, it
> asked to recover a
> > file on loadup. It did just kick me to the desktop
> without warning.
> > When I went to Wizards then Letters it did it
> again, after this
> > installation. That is with the JRE supposedly. I
> checked the folders
> > and there seems to be plenty of Java files, etc...
> there. I have Java
> > 6 update 2 and 3 indicated in my Add/delete
> programs. So I had Java 
> > installed last time. But the icons don't show when
> I load the Writer.
> >  It seems to be the Wizards section, the buttons
> on the toolbars seem
> > to work, and the other pulldown menus, although I
> have not checked
> > all of them. The FAX wizard kicked me also. Web
> Page kicked me too.
> > So some of the Wizards work, some don't.
> > When I click to Draw from START menu, it went into
> Writer. When I did
> > finally get in to DRAW, when I resize a picture
> and click on the
> > picture, I get kicked also.
> > So this is with Java installed, and the JRE
> version.
> > So like I said, unreliable. AT LEAST FOR ME.
> As I I said before, it may or may not be an OOo
> issue, but whatever the
> cause, it is NOT a commonly reported problem.
> Therefore I would not
> consider "unreliable" to be the appropriate
> terminology. Anyway, enough
> of the semantics, let's see if we can get OOo
> working "reliably" ;) for
> you, in the same way as it does for most of us other
> users.
> > Any Suggestions???
> > Steve
> I would suggest the following steps.
> 1. Close OOo including the "Quickstarter" in the
> system tray.
> 2. Delete/Recycle Bin/Remove the following
> directory/folder:
> C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Application
> Data\OpenOffice.org2
> Where <user_name> is your Windows user log-in name.
> (Could be "Steve",
> "Owner" or something like that)
> 3. Reboot Windows, open OOo Writer, go through the
> initial start-up
> routine and see if your problems have been resolved.
> If not, go back and do steps 1 and 2 again. Then the
> following:
> 4. Check the "md5sum" for the OOo installer package
> you downloaded.
> The "md5sum" and a link to "Instructions for using
> md5sums" can be found
> here:
> http://download.openoffice.org/2.3.0/md5sums.html
> There is probably nothing wrong with the package you
> have, but it is
> always best to check. If the "md5sum" does fail, you
> have a package
> which has been corrupted in the download process.
> 5. Go to the Windows "Control Panel -> Add & Remove
> Programs" and
> uninstall OOo. For the time being, don't remove or
> change any Java
> updates you have.
> 6. Reboot Windows. May be unnecessary, but with
> Microsoft it's the
> standard way of doing things.
> 7. Run the OOo installer package.
> 8. Open OOo Writer, go through the initial start-up
> routine and see if
> your problems have been resolved.
> If you are still having problems at this point I
> would suspect either a
> Java configuration or Windows Registry corruption
> issue that OOo cannot
> resolve. In which case I would try:
> a) Uninstalling all Java updates and reinstalling
> just the latest one.
> b) Running a Registry cleaning program.
> Hope this helps.
> Dave
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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> UmNmgWQqW1L7bXOF4sL089w=
> =nzRx

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