Sorry, I forgot to include the information on changing file associations
in the previous message.  It's now included below.

Martin Katz wrote:
> I signed up for Open Office and I now cannot save any documents, other than 
> to open office.  This is useless because none of my clients have that 
> software.  I try to save documents in MS 97/2000, but I am not allowed to do 
> so. Sometimes, I am asked for a MicroSoft password, which I don't have.  
> Worse, I cannot even cut and paste my document into an email.
> Do you have a way to help me?  I am really desperate because I cannot operate 
> my business this way.
> Please contact me asap. My phone is 212.920.4555
> Marty Katz
Some of what you're saying simply doesn't make sense.  When you
installed OpenOffice, you were given the option of making it the default
application for Microsoft Office files.  It is easy to change this back,
by resetting the file associations (as described below).  Beyond that,
however, the installation should have had absolutely no effect on
Microsoft Office or files.  Are you saying you can't save in Microsoft
formats?  How are you saving them.  You have to select the appropriate
file type when saving.  By default, OpenOffice saves in the ISO standard
ODF file formats, which Microsoft refuses to support.  When you use
"Save as", you have to select the desired file type from the drop down
list.  Simply changing the extension will not work.  Also, enable
automatic file type extension.  If you have further problems, please ask
here again.

Changing file associations

Right click on file icon
Select Open With > Choose Program...
Check "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" and
choose the desired application.
If that method is not available, follow the directions listed here:

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