On 5 Dec 2007 at 10:02, Cor Nouws wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> mike scott wrote (5-12-2007 9:33)
> > [...]
> > then depending on whether an answer was correct or not, to press 
> > "button A" or "button B" to determine the next slide shown (eg tick or 
> > cross displayed, plus sound effects), before returning to the next 
> > 'question' screen.
> > [...]
> Can be done in this way:
> 1- Go to the target slide.
> 2- Place a picture or shape on that slide.
> 3- In the context menu of such an object, choose Name and give one.
> 4- Go to the 'start' slide
> 5- Insert a picture or shape (button) on that slide
> 6- In the context menu of that object, choose Interaction ...
> 7- .. you'll find out.
> Might be some fiddling to have the sequence right, but I expect it will 
> get you there.

Ah, I see. Thanks for that info - I'd not twigged about the 
'interaction' stuff. 

I notice it doesn't work when exported as ppt (now there's a surprise!) 
- so maybe there'll be a new convert soon to OOo  :-)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Mike Scott, Harlow, Essex, England

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