Hi gang,

Hope everyone is having a great New Year, no matter which calendar you follow. :)

Two problems.

A book I've been writing won't now allow me to print to my HP 5P without an error light that says there is a problem with tray one. I'm using OO 2.2 on XPSP2. I'm sure it is not the printer because about 5 days ago it did allow me to print two up pages. I tested the printer by printing an e-mail from Thunderbird. Printed fine. I then printed a single page document from OO. No problem. I even tried to print from an earlier version. No luck I exported to a PDF and it prints once I open it Acrobat. I saved it as a Word file and it prints fine.

What gives? Got any clues?

The other issue is that I would like to print it in signatures - the book is 5.5x8.5 - so that I could print page 1 on the right of one side, page 4 opposite it to the left and on the other side page 2 would back up page 1 and page 3 would back up page 4.

If I could do that then I could make a couple of reading copies and bind them Japanese style to make a book.

I could make it print 2 up landscape but not with the page positions correct. Page 9 was on the left, not on the right, and page 10 printed with page 9 instead of being on the other side of the paper behind page 9.



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