At 14:55 20/01/2008 -0800, Allen Schaaf wrote:
A book I've been writing won't now allow me to print to my HP 5P without an error light that says there is a problem with tray one. I'm using OO 2.2 on XPSP2. I'm sure it is not the printer because about 5 days ago it did allow me to print two up pages. I tested the printer by printing an e-mail from Thunderbird. Printed fine. I then printed a single page document from OO. No problem. I even tried to print from an earlier version. No luck I exported to a PDF and it prints once I open it Acrobat. I saved it as a Word file and it prints fine.

What gives? Got any clues?

This is just a guess, but some printers are intelligent enough to realise when the paper available in the tray(s) is not what is required by the document. And they stop and ask for the right size or type of stock. Is it possible that the paper size you have set is not what is available in the tray? If you are printing two pages per side, there exists an ambiguity as to whether the page size you specify is the smaller image size or the larger paper size. Could this be the problem?

The other issue is that I would like to print it in signatures - the book is 5.5x8.5 - so that I could print page 1 on the right of one side, page 4 opposite it to the left and on the other side page 2 would back up page 1 and page 3 would back up page 4.

If I could do that then I could make a couple of reading copies and bind them Japanese style to make a book.

I could make it print 2 up landscape but not with the page positions correct. Page 9 was on the left, not on the right, and page 10 printed with page 9 instead of being on the other side of the paper behind page 9.

This fairly straightforward in Writer, I think. Set up your pages in portrait orientation and with the page format set to the actual size of the image, not the size of paper that you will use - as if you were actually using smaller paper, that is. When you print the document, make sure that you set the *printer* to use landscape mode, and tell Writer to print as a brochure. The brochure setting is at Tools | Options... | Writer | Print | Pages | Brochure, but can also be reached on the fly at File | Print... | Options... . If your printer doesn't do double-sided, it is here that you can also select "Left pages" or "Right pages" as necessary.

Incidentally, I think you are wanting to print each four consecutive pages on a single sheet, but this is not what brochure printing does. Instead, it prints the first two and last two pages on one sheet, and so on - so that the sheets need to be folded as a group, not individually. But you could obtain what you appear to want by printing four-page sections of the document separately.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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