I have a Things To Do (TTD) list that I update everyday and sort according to task priority. Some of the items include hyperlinks to other documents on my computer, to Internet sites, or for sending e-mails, for example:

Enter BSL, weight, & journal details into log:  Health Log;
Read http://www.australianIT.com.au to keep up to date;
Make two Sales appointments  (click here for prospect list);

The TTD List is a table in an OOo 2.3 Writer document, and in the above examples<
Health Log, and
(click here for prospect list)
used to be hyperlinks. they are still formatted to LOOK like hyperlinks, but when you move the mouse over them, nothing happens (the cursor does not become a hand, and clicking does nothing).

These hyperlinks have been in my TTD list for a long time and used to work until recently. Maybe I lost the links when I upgraded to 2.3, or maybe that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I would be very much obliged if any of you can tell me why I have lost my links.

Many thanks,  James

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