Marc Swartz wrote:
> Hi - THanks for your reply.  We did buy our computer without an operating 
> system - Vista was an option but we didn't want to support Microsoft.  That's 
> why we were looking at Open Office.  Is that not the compatable system?  Our 
> computer turns on but there is nothing on it except start up information that 
> we backed up.  I will contact the office where we bought it to find out what 
> we need to do.  Thanks for any advise and suggestions.
> grace and peace,
> Holly Swartz
While it is possible to buy a computer without an operating system, it's
not done that way by most users.  Computers need an operating system on
which to run applications, such as OpenOffice.  If you do in fact have a
computer without any operating system, you may want to consider Linux,
which is the most popular alternative to Microsoft Windows.  You'll have
to download and install a Linux distribution on your computer.  There
are many to choose from.  I use OpenSUSE, which is available from  Another popular distribution, particularly for
beginners, is Ubuntu  There are many others available. 
Most come with OpenOffice included.  Do you know anyone who runs Linux? 
If so, they may be able to assist you.

Please remember, applications, such as OpenOffice, have to run on an
operating system, such as Windows (XP, Vista etc.) Linux, BSD, Solaris
etc.  Without an operating system, a computer isn't much use.

Perhaps if you post your general location, there may be someone on this
list, close to you, who can provide better assistance.

>> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 07:42:20 -0500
>> Subject: Re: [users] Using Open Office 2.3 - Question about other 
>> softward/printer compatability
>> Marc Swartz wrote:
>>> Hi - I am a person who knows/understands little about 
>>> computers/printers/programs.  I just recently purchased a business 
>>> notebook/HP and am now going to be using Open Office 2.3.  I have been 
>>> researching other software and printers.  It seems like compatability is 
>>> always an issue.  Most comments include Microsoft Vista these days but we 
>>> didn't want to support them so we went with Open Office.  
>>> Could you recommend or make suggestions to what software might be 
>>> compatable to Open Office having to do with photography and home projects 
>>> (calendars, homeschooling, newsletters)?  and printers, too?  I am just 
>>> concerned about buying something and then finding it doesn't work because 
>>> of Microsoft requirements.
>> You are apparently confused about certain things.  OpenOffice is an
>> application, which requires an operating system, such as Windows, Linux
>> or other to run on.  It is the operating system that hardware has to be
>> compatible with and then the application can make use of those printers
>> etc, by going through the operating system.  Since you just purchased
>> that computer, it's likely your operating system is Vista, the latest
>> version of Microsoft Windows.  The other software you mentioned for
>> photography etc., are also applications that run on an operating system
>> and have little to do with OpenOffice.  So again, you'd look for
>> software that will run on Vista to use with your computer.
>> While it is possible to buy a computer without Windows, most people
>> don't know about that option.  Also, many who do buy with Windows are
>> asking for XP, instead of Vista, because of the problems caused by Vista.
>> -- 
>> Use <>
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