On Feb 12, 2008 1:20 PM, Harold Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The Fogg index gives a measure of the readability of a document based on
> the average number of words per sentence and the number of polysyllabic
> words. Does anyone know of a macro or extension that will calculate the
> Fogg index for a Writer document (or a text document)? Or, if not the
> actual Fogg index, any other numerical indication of the clarity of a
> piece of text?
> I have Googled and looked on the OOo extensions page but ...
> For details of how to calculate the Fogg index, see, among others,
> http://www.writershelper.com/readability.html

I remember some time ago Daniel Carrera wrote a macro that provided
readability stats... This one can be found here:

I've only used it some time ago and I'm unsure if it actually uses the Fogg


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