On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 09:35:18 -0500
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> You can NOT copy the standard library using this method.
> Library containers hold libraries. Each document is a library container 
> (except for Base, but that will change with 3.0). OOo is also a library 
> container and it contains "global" macros.
> Libraries contains modules.
> Modules contain macros
> You can not use a macro unless the library that contains it has been loaded.
> The Standard library is always automatically loaded so the contained 
> macros are always available. Unfortunately, the special Standard library 
> can not be imported.

Thanks for the additional information. Let me see if I understand this.

1) The My Macros and Dialogs has a Standard library installed by
default. Everything in My Macros and Dialogs is available for all

2) Every document also has a Standard library by default. Unless the
user knows better, all macros recorded/created while working on the
document will be placed in the document's Standard library by default.
Thus, such macros will be available only when this document is being
worked on.

3) You can copy libraries, but not modules or macros themselves.
However, you cannot copy the Standard library from one document to
another or to My Macros and Dialogs because there is already a Standard
library there which cannot be overwritten.

So if I created macros while working on a template, and I used the
default settings, the macros will be in the template's Standard library
and can never be accessed from any other document, and can never be
moved to any other document.

Conclusion: Either I have misunderstood something, or I am screwed.

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