Manfred J. Krause wrote:
Thank you Manfred.    POD looks like the perfect solution; however, my
employer will not pay for additional software. They have current
licensing agreements with Microsoft, and will not even consider Open
Source Software.

This sounds like a dilemma that we can't help you with -- your employer will not pay for software, but will also not consider open source software?

I can kind of see one or the other -- against open source (for some sort of odd reason) but willing to pay; or against paying, but in favor of open source. But to be against both alternatives?? Doesn't seem to make sense to me.

I have brought this up numerous times, but they do not
want to hear it.  What all this means is I need free software, which is
why I contacted Open Office.  Is there something like POD, that is free?


Peggy Neuendorf

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