It is great that OOo is being constantly improved and updated, but I think I have found one challenge due to upgrades, and that is to do with Templates.

Like a lot of people, I store my invoice, quotation, purchase order forms, and many other, often used, documents as Templates. This means that while I am using OOo version 2.3, I might be pulling up a template that was created in an earlier version, maybe a much earlier version, given that templates are infrequently modified and hardly ever redesigned from scratch.

When viewing an old Writer document, you are alerted to the version inconsistency and all you have to do is say "Yes, I want this document saved in the most recent format", but editing Templates is not quite that easy, and I don't want to have to redesign all my Templates every time a new version of OOo comes out, or even go into each one in "Edit" mode and update it - if you could update all of them in one go, that would be fantastic!

Is this really a challenge, or am I barking up the wrong tree ... having missed some easy way of keeping my Templates up-to-date?

Kind regards, James

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