NoOp wrote:
On 03/04/2008 07:37 PM, Dave Barton wrote:

You say that you "go to a folder", but it is not clear where you are
going to right click on an image. If you using the "Copy" function in
"Windows Explorer" (also known as "My Computer"), then what you say is
true and partly contradicts some of what I have said earlier in this
thread. I have been unable to achieve anything similar with Linux. I had
erroneously assumed the copy was being done from within another
application, not from within the operating system. It would appear that
M$ does not comply with their own published API (Application Programming
Interface) specifications for handling Clipboard functions. Data placed
(copied to) the clipboard data should remain intact until it is replaced
with new data, or cleared. However, if the Windows Explorer (so called)
"Copy" option is used to place an image on the Clipboard and that source
image is then deleted from the disk, the Clipboard image also disappears.

It would seem that you have also highlighted, what I would describe as,
a "bug", or at least an inconsistency, in the way OOo identifies the
Windows Clipboard data. Since OOo is built around a common core, I can
see no reason for this. I will put this forward for consideration on the
the developer list and maybe file an issue.


In linux (2.4.rc2) if I Import|Picture in either Impress or Writer the
.jpg is imported without any links.
If I paste from the clipboard in either Impress or Writer all I get is
the local url string.

openSUSE (2.3.1). Pasting an image from a local dir. on the hard drive simply pastes the image into Impress. 'Sounds like a bug.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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