
On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:30 PM, JC Dill wrote:
> I am trying to edit a document (formerly created in Word) with outline
>  numbering.
>  The document has settings for headings, for text after headings, etc.
>  When I try to add a new heading, it doesn't see the numbering system of
>  the existing headings - all new heading entries start with 1.0, or 1.1,
>  or 1.1.1 etc.  I need them to fit in with the existing headings!
>  If I take an existing heading and split it e.g.:
>  4.3 Project Name
>  into 2 lines, it comes out as:
>  4.3 Project
>  1.1 Name
>  So even splitting an existing heading doesn't preserve the outline
>  numbering.
>  How do I fix this?

Please read this thread as a helpful introduction ...  ->

'Heading and outline numbering driving me back to M$Word'

There are the details ...  ->

Documentation | OOoAuthors User Manual | Writer Guide
Chapter 7: Working with Styles

(1) Outline numbering

(2) Defining a hierarchy of headings


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