Joseph wrote:

[... snip ...]
I've had a question about this optional registration. What is the benefit of registering? OK, two questions.... Will registering with OO.o, will that put my eMail address on a list of "associates" or some such friend company of OO.o where I'll be receiving eMail from companies I have not requested mail from.

The current 2.4 release candidates and the upcoming OOo 2.4 version which are build by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Release Engineering can be registered with Sun. The real benefit here is that Sun and the Community (including you) can get more accurate data about´s marketshare. Registration is tough still optional of course. So far there´s only some very vague data about OOo´s user base which we have here:

For registering these versions you would create a Sun Online Account first and than register the version with that account. Or if you have you can use an already existing Sun Online Account, such as a Sun Developer Connection membership account ( see for registration.
Benefits of a Sun Developer Connection membership can be found here:

Creating such a Sun Online account does give you additional benefits with Sun such as access on the Sun websites to special offers and discounts for Sun products and services.

While creating the Sun Online Account you can additionally opt-in to receive newsletters from Sun. But this is an explicit opt-in only. The default is that no checkbox for newsletters is selected when creating the Sun Online Account.

Sun´s Privacy Policy can be found here:

There is also a link to that policy page on the registration webservice page which you can get to by calling Help / Registration in newer (starting with current 2.4 Release Candidates) versions build by Sun Microsystems.

In addition to the registration there is a link to the UserSurvey on the webpage you will get to when calling Help / Registration. The Data collected on the UserSurvey helps us to estimate needs of users and get a feeling about their environment etc. in order to direct future development work which you can thus indirectly influence by filling out the survey. Every question on the User Survey is optional and the User Survey can be be done completely anonymous.

Older Versions will just show this survey only instead of a registration page when Help/Registration is being called.

At the end of the survey you can opt in to the offer: "I'm interested in complementary solutions for and thus agree to being contacted via email by the community including the major corporate contributors with information about new free and commercial offerings related to" But again this is an explicit opt-in only and the default is that this checkbox is not checked.

In addition to registering the product you can register as a user on the website this gives you the benfit of actually becoming an offical member of our great community ;-) and gets you access to the bug tracking system we use. Additionally you have the benfit of being able to use an <username> email Address for communication in our mailing lists and bug tracking system. A link to the Policies and Terms of use for the website is in the footer of almost every webpage on including the main page. However you can of course subscribe and unsubscribe to our mailing lists which you apparently already did. Our Mailing Lists are archived on the web at various locations including´s own website but also others which eg. offer gateways to news systems for mailing lists or similar. It´s theoretical possible that there could be evil "SPAMMERs" there outside which are using such mailing list archives for collecting email addresses to send their spam to. If you use an <username> email address in your communication with our mailing lists which you would get by registering as a community member you can at least differentiate between spam send to your regular email address and SPAM send to you via your email address. Well I know this doesn´t help much.

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Personally, I don't care how it's written in, if I don't personally request or give my personal ok to a particular company or organization to send me eMail, then I don't want it and it's spam.

I've yet to see an agreement that said anything like "In registering, these sponsors will be given permission to eMail you. If you do not wish their eMails, click here: [] If you get their eMails, and wish to unsubscribe, you can do so by contacting that company.:"

However, I have gotten a program and afterward gotten many spams I knew nothing about, from which I could NOT unsubscribe.

If I don't personally and specifically request a particular company's mail, I will mark it as spam or junk and get shed of it.

Again, as I've mentioned above, What is the benefit of registering? OK, two questions.... Will registering with OO.o, will that put my eMail address on a list of "associates" or some such friend company of OO.o where I'll be receiving eMail from companies I have not requested mail from.

OK, I'm done with the soap box.  NEXT!


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