On 03/28/2008 08:47 AM, NDR(ES) Office wrote:
> setup: Ubuntu 5.10; OpenOffice 2.4
> Problem: 
> upgraded to 2.4 and the truetype fonts do not appear correctly on
> screen. For example Thorndale appears as "sans" type (this is not the
> system default font) and when opening documents with Thorndale fonts the
> layout of the page is changed - makes formatting pages and report
> presentation impossible.
> When I have printed test pages, the font is correctly printed.
> I have removed the fonts and added them again using spadmin with no
> success.
> If I downgrade to OOo2.3 - all fonts appear correctly on screen.
> Sorry for not being technically minded to explain the problem any other
> way.
> I have searched the mailing lists archives and forums for screen font
> problems and only found topics concerning earlier versions of OOo, so do
> not know if these are relevant to OOo2.4 
> Is anyone else having the same problem?
> If there is a workaround, I would be grateful to hear about it or is
> this an issue to be raised?
> many thanks in advance
> yours
> Neil

I cannot reproduce this. I test thorndale in StarOffice 8 (basically OOo
2.3.1) and OOo 2.4.0 - place them side-by-side and thorndale shows up
properly as a serif font.

I'd suggest updating your system font cache:

sudo fc-cache -f -v

fc-cache --help
[for info]

That will pick up any stray fonts from your various installations.

Note: I am running OOo 7.10 (Gutsy) and 8.04 (Hardy).

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