On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 10:52 -0700, NoOp wrote:

> On 03/28/2008 08:47 AM, NDR(ES) Office wrote:
> > setup: Ubuntu 5.10; OpenOffice 2.4
> > 
> > Problem: 
> > upgraded to 2.4 and the truetype fonts do not appear correctly on
> > screen. For example Thorndale appears as "sans" type (this is not the
> > system default font) and when opening documents with Thorndale fonts the
> > layout of the page is changed - makes formatting pages and report
> > presentation impossible.
> > When I have printed test pages, the font is correctly printed.
> >  
> > I have removed the fonts and added them again using spadmin with no
> > success.
> > 
> > If I downgrade to OOo2.3 - all fonts appear correctly on screen.
> > 
> > Sorry for not being technically minded to explain the problem any other
> > way.
> > I have searched the mailing lists archives and forums for screen font
> > problems and only found topics concerning earlier versions of OOo, so do
> > not know if these are relevant to OOo2.4 
> > 
> > Is anyone else having the same problem?
> > If there is a workaround, I would be grateful to hear about it or is
> > this an issue to be raised?
> > 
> > many thanks in advance
> > 
> > yours
> > Neil
> I cannot reproduce this. I test thorndale in StarOffice 8 (basically OOo
> 2.3.1) and OOo 2.4.0 - place them side-by-side and thorndale shows up
> properly as a serif font.
> I'd suggest updating your system font cache:
> sudo fc-cache -f -v
> fc-cache --help
> [for info]
> That will pick up any stray fonts from your various installations.
> Note: I am running OOo 7.10 (Gutsy) and 8.04 (Hardy).

Thank you very much  NoOp
I solved the problem following your advice .........

Tried the above - 
fc-cache -f -v 
it picked up - /usr/share/fonts/(and its
subdirectories); /usr/share/X11/fonts/; cached these
/usr/local/share/fonts/ & ~/.fonts/ had no fonts.
cache succeeded 

OOo2.4 was still showing incorrect screen fonts - even though thorndale
font is in both OOo2.4/share/fonts/truetype/ and
~/.openoffice.org2/user/fonts/ directories
(I assume that fonts listed in application directories are not picked up
by fc-cache)

Noticed that the system font cache was looking for ~/.font
I copied the ttf fonts that I use into ~/.fonts
ran fc-cache -f -v again
cache succeeded - showed ~/.fonts having fonts 
also the programme created the file "fonts.cache-1" in ~/.fonts (This
file is only created when ~/.fonts directory exists. When I ran fc-cache
with no ~/.fonts directory, I could not find the file anywhere on my

Ran OOo2.4 and screen fonts work correctly.

why change the way OOo looks for fonts between 2.3 and 2.4?
Fonts are stored in 

OOo2.3 works correctly: screen fonts match truetype fonts
OOo2.4 does not work correctly: screen fonts do not show truetype fonts.
All other applications show fonts correctly
(It is the same with inserting special characters ever since 2.0.3 - but
that is another issue)

Nothing else has changed on my system

Many thanks again for your help

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