M Henri Day wrote:
Perhaps this is more an Ubuntu query than an OOo one, but I'm hoping you
will bear with me. I've recently upgraded to Hardy beta, which I was told on
good authority uses (an Ubuntuised version of) the OOo 2.4.0 release
candidate by default. Indeeed, when I check my programme manager, I see this
to be the case, but when I click, e g, the Writer icon, the splashsheet that
appears on my screen says «OpenOffice.org 2.3» in large, very legible
letters. Not that it makes a whole lot of difference in the work-a-day world
of practical men and women, but I should very much like to know what's going

Wish I could help you, but I tried Kubuntu 8.4 beta a few days ago and found it useless at this point. I never did get to look at OO on it. Sorry...........


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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