On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Don Daugherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 2.  My immediate concern is Macros for Calc.  I have no experience with
> VBA, which seems to be the language used for OpenOffice macros, but I have
> worked in old-fashioned BASIC, Pascal, Clip (the macro language used in
> NoteTab), and the macro language in QuattroPro.  I've looked through the
> Calc help system for version 2.3 and the one in version 2.4 appears to be
> the same though I haven't searched there as diligently.

> What I'm looking for is procedures, functions and/or subroutines that
> allow the macro to interact with Calc itself.  Specifically, I want to
> (among other things) have the macro get data from a specified cell,
> manipulate it, and then do something to the spreadsheet.

In addition to the links you've already gotten, these few are to pages that
may have information specific to an answer for you.

OpenOffice.org BASIC Programming Guide

The Language of OpenOffice.org BASIC


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