On 07/04/2008, Keith Sonnenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen:
>       How do I alphabatize a list of names on any portion (or all) of the
> spread sheet?  I am using the Open Office Spread Sheet to keep track of the
> rank promotions of individuals in a martial arts organization.  I have given
> each instructor a section.  Each section is divided by a [blue] manual break
> line.  The instructor's students are listed below him.  A student and his or
> her current promotion is listed on a single row.  Subsequent promotions for
> that student are on the rows beneath that listing.  Can I alphabetize each
> section as a separate group and if so, how do I do it?  Any help is GREATLY
> appreciated.

Select all the rows and columns in a section. Then do Data>Sort and choose
the column number(s) to sort on - presumably the column containing the
student names. The sort only sorts on *selected* data. It leaves unselected
data alone.

I don't know how many instructors you have but you might find it more
convenient to allocate a separate *sheet* to each. The sheet's name could be
the instroctor's surname, for example. This way you sort all the data in
each sheet instead of having to be careful about making your selections.
Printing is also more convenient as it's easy to arrange for each sheet to
start a new page.

Note too that sorting is strictly alphabetical. So if your names are "John
Doe" and "Jane Smith" then Jane will come first. You'd need to enter
something like "Smith, Jane" and "Doe, John" to get sorting by surname - or
have surnames in a separate column and use that as the sort key.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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