In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Barker) wrote:

> *From:* Brian Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:*
> *Date:* Tue, 15 Apr 2008 22:55:54 +0100
> At 15:26 14/04/2008 +0100, Niall Martin wrote:
> >In Lotus I am used to creating a table and then using copy and 
> paste >to batch paste direct to the cells in the table, but in OO I 
> seem to >have to paste special into the document as text, and then 
> turn what >I have pasted into a table.  I find this rather long 
> winded and >awkward. Have I missed something?
> Possibly.  I think that, in Writer, this is even easier than you 
> hope.  Don't create any table first.  Instead, copy the cells from 
> your spreadsheet and then use Edit | Paste Special... (or 
> Ctrl+Shift+V), selecting "DDE link" from the options.  This creates 
> a table with your imported values, which you can then format as you 
> require.
> Note that this technique actually creates a link to the source 
> spreadsheet instead of a copy - so the spreadsheet file must 
> continue to be available and any subsequent change to it will be 
> reflected in your Writer document.  If this is not what you need, 
> after you have pasted the link, go to Edit | Links..., select the 
> relevant link in the list, and press Break Link.  You will now have 
> an independent text document.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
I did experiment briefly with the DDE option, but abandoned it at once,
since it did not seem to be doing  what I wanted.  Your second paragraph
I regard as  a workaround which I will  try some time, but still regard
as rather clumsy.  Thanks for your  comment. 

Niall Martin

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