On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 16:10:37 -0700, NoOp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 04/16/2008 03:09 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Many people ask for an email client from OpenOffice.org, and these
>> people have either never heard of Thunderbird or have rejected it for
>> some reason. Thus, I suggest a different email client for OOo. See
>> this OOo bug:
>> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=88366
>And how long do you figure that it would take David Harris to port to
>Linux & Mac OS X?  That is of course once the proprietary third-party
>core editor issue is resolved...
>Thunderbird currently supports Windows, Linux & Mac OS X, is opensource
>(with Mozilla restrictions that are already acknowledged and used in OOo
>- see the OOo THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html), and localised for many
>Further, Thunderbird already has several million users, a vast support
>network, and a considerable amount of add-in's/extensions (to include
>Sorry, but I'd not vote for 88366.

It is not clear to me what people expect form an integated OOo/mail client 
schema.  I've never used MS Office and
Outlook in their integrated form, I've only used them independently.  The only 
post so far that has made sense to me was
on of  "mike scott's" as I understood it he is suggesting that its the mail 
client writers who should adopt the OOo
Writer core as their message composer for their mail client, I would add -- as 
should NNTP client writers and anyone
else wanting a text based composer.

To those who say OOo should not slavishly do what Unclue Bill does, I would 
point out that OOo has already done so;
times were when Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint were discrete products, Then 
MS bundled them into Office, I believe
it was then that Star (hence OOo) slavishly followed suite (sic).

Sofware that could benefit from using an external composer (e.g. Mail/NNTP/Blog 
Writers etc) are not going to invest in
such unless MS Word is available as a composer; i.e.Word is "must have", OOo is 
"should have" and the rest are "nice to
have".  There is also the issue of MS having just ditched toolstrips in favor 
of ribbons - no matter what you may think
they are not the same, at least not under the covers, Ribbon integration is not 
the same as ToolStrip integration.  The
change is more significant than the change from Toolbars to Toolstrips.  And 
like it or not people are going to ask,
does it have ribbons, toolstrips are so yesterday.

By way of illustration only I would point out that the major online office 
suites (ThinkFree, Google Docs &
Spreadsheets, Zoho and Ajax13) all target MS Office, I think two also target 
openoffice (Google & Zoho), one I'm not
sure of, and one does not.  The one that doesn't (ThinkFree) is highly regarded 
by some - it is offered in Oz by Telstra
(largest telco 85%, largest ISP 50%+) mind you Telstra and MS are bosom 
buddies.  It occurs to me that ThinkFree would a
natural aquisition for MS, rebranded as Live Office.

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