On 27/04/2008 02:37, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 25 April 2008, TJS wrote:
After much searching through your websites I found this address as the place
to submit feedback and ask questions. It seems there should be a more
obvious (visible and easy-to-find) link for this.

Item 1)

A memory scan by NOD32 AntiVirus reported the following errors:
 a.. C:\Downloads\OOo_2.4.0_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_en-US.exe »NSIS
»openoffice.org-pyuno.cab »CAB »testtar.tar »TAR - archive damaged b..
C:\Downloads\OpenOffice 2.4 Installation Files\openoffice.org-pyuno.cab
»CAB »testtar.tar »TAR - archive damaged c.. C:\Program
Files\OpenOffice.org 2.4\program\python-core-2.3.4\lib\test\testtar.tar
»TAR - archive damaged What action is required to resolve these errors?

Download it again, it got corrupted from the indications above.
Or change to a better Antivirus program; many think that software installation programs are viruses. Not only OpenOffice. AVG is free.
Item 2)
 a.. Java 6 Update 6 was loaded.
 b.. Then OpenOffice 2.4 was loaded and it loaded Java 6 Update 4.
Does OpenOffice 2.4 use Java6 Update 6, or Java6 Update 4?
Should either one of these be removed?

AFAIK, 6.6 works fine for everything that needs java.
Open Writer and go to Tools>Options>Java. Wait several seconds while the list of available versions is populated. Explicitly select the one you want by ensuring the radio button next to its name has a black dot inside it (click to add dot, click again to remove it). Then, as far as OpenOffice is concerned, you can remove the other versions. That does not, of course, guarantee that nothing else will break - QuickTime, for example, needs Java; which version? No idea.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

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