2008/5/6 Guy Voets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ha ha, I'm not young, just illeterate. So I have four
> tangible complaints. The first is that anythiing
> copied or pasted off the internet shows up in box that
> runs accross the screen, no matter how many words you
> paste. Second, pictures that are copied and pasted
> beween Oo programs, or pictures that belong to a
> reformated document (particularly .ods to .HTML) do
> not show up. Only an address is given to their
> location on the computer. Third, placement of pictures
> and texts boxes in writer is difficult because, when
> selected the arrow keys do not work well at all, and
> often when you try to place the picture by mouse it
> bounces back further than it was before. Fourth,
> selecting large sections of texts that span multiple
> pages is nearly impossible since the page zooms up or
> down well past where you wanted to go while selecting.
> So this is my commentary. Sorry for being and ass, I
> was writing my final late last night.
> Sincerely,
> Jordan

Those are all valid, constructive complaints. I hope that you start a
new thread (not a reply to this one) for each concern. That's four new
threads. People here will help you configure OOo to your needs, and if
need be, bugs will be filed and OOo will be changed.

You will find that the open source community is very willing to
acomodate and help you, and are even willing to learn from you. I know
that is in contrast to the norm with proprietary software, where
insults are the only way to initiate communication with developers.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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