Drew Jensen wrote:
Scott Castaline wrote:
Wade Smart wrote:
Jack D. Lewis wrote:
NoOp wrote the following on 5/1/2008 12:16 PM:
On 05/01/2008 04:16 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Repeat after me:

I will not feed the trolls.
I will not feed the trolls.
I will not feed the trolls.

                   /|  /|  |                          |
                   ||__||  |       Please don't       |
                  /   O O\__           feed           |
                 /          \       the trolls        |
                /      \     \                        |
               /   _    \     \ ----------------------
              /    |\____\     \     ||
             /     | | | |\____/     ||
            /       \|_|_|/   |    __||
           /  /  \            |____| ||
          /   |   | /|        |      --|
          |   |   |//         |____  --|
   * _    |  |_|_|_|          |     \-/
*-- _--\ _ \     //           |
  /  _     \\ _ //   |        /
*  /   \_ /- | -     |       |
  *      ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________

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It would appear that you have way too much free time on your hands :-)

20080501 1407 GMT-6

I love it!


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A cartoon bubble with "BUUUURRRRPPPPP!" would add a nice (?) touch to it. ;=)

hmmm- to make the bubble truly relevant would not the text in the sign need to be changed to:
"Please do not feed on the trolls!"

Maybe this???
                  /|  /|  |                                          |
                  ||__||  |       Please don't         |
                 /   O O\__       feed on           |
                /          \         the trolls      |
               /      \     \                         |
              /   _    \     \ ----------------------
/ |\____\ \ || / | | | |\____/ || _____________//
           /       \|_|_|/   |    __||        ___//                     /\
          /  /  \            |____| ||        \__   Urrrrrrrp!!  |
         /   |   | /|        |        --|            \_____________///
| | |// |____ --| * _ | |_|_|_| | \-/
*-- _--\ _ \     //           |
 /  _     \\ _ //   |        /
*  /   \_ /- | -     |       |
 *      ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________

What's that on the left?  Gas?    <grin>

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