2008/5/9 Troll/Idiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Not only did you lie by implying that you'd never seen the argument before,
> you are also rather rude.

I had not lied, and furthermore I had not implied anything. Please
quote where I was rude, so that I can learn to express myself in a way
that fits your social standards.

> I started using Troll/Idiot, after being called a troll and an idiot by Dave
> Barton.

That's entirely your choice to do. I've been called much worse, online
and off, yet I do not adopt the labels for my own use.

> It's a reminder to people like you, and him, that their rudeness is
> archived all over the net and will live there for a very long time.

I was not 'reminded' that I am rude when I saw you call yourself a
troll/idiot. I was informed of my rudeness in the same sentence in
which you called me a liar. The irony makes me smile.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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