-------- Original Message --------
From: Troll/Idiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri 09 May 2008 08:17:56 EST

8<-- snip -->8
I started using Troll/Idiot, after being called a troll and an idiot by Dave Barton. It's a reminder to people like you, and him, that their rudeness is archived all over the net and will live there for a very long time.

Ah! My tiny claim to fame. :) Probably the only footnote in history I
will ever have. :_)

I can't say that I remember the exchange, although it doesn't sound like
something I would normally buy into, so I guess that I must have been
having a bad hair day. Strange that you remember it with such clarity
after all this time, so my comments must have made some impact. Since I
am having a good day and you still appear to be aggrieved by my past
comments, please accept my apologies.

Now, can we leave it there and move on to matters directly related to


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