Hi Neil,

Am 2008-05-07 13:50:00, schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Bottom posting makes no sense to me. This is the only list I am on these 

What are you taslking about?  Since I jumped into the discusion I do not
know about what you are talking...

> days but this is also the only place where anyone bottom posts.

This is general the only list where peoples to crappy toppost...

I am on 137 list currently (8 not listed):

    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ~/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and I get only here the TOP posting crap...

> In almost all email correspondence I get (and have received for far too 
> long to remember) the replies are top posted.

Me not, even enterprises like Maxim, Dallas, National, Analog Devices,
NXP, Atmel, Linear Technology prefer my reponding style (even they ask
to leave the rest of the mail untouched).

But Imagine, there is a technical support, and all peoples do toppost
and the technical support is NOT one person but several...  EACH
technical support person has to read the WHOLE message to know, what the
OP has asked...

In topposting there is NO efficiency...
It multiplies the work for nothing.

> Anyway I understand that we all have our pet hates / raves / loves / 
> issues so while some on this list love bottom posting I personally hate 
> it. (I could explain my reasons but I suspect in the end that logic has 
> little to do with it.)

TRUE bottom posting is crap too...

> We may primarily read left to right. Others read right to left. Ok some 
> like to bottom post. Others don't.

RTL and LTR have nothing to do BOTTOM/TOP posting
since RTL can be BOTTOM too

> There are better things in life to get worked up about and I have 
> learned to live with some people bottom posting on this list.
> Rave ended
> Neil

You are weird...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/9351947    50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193     67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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