Am 14.05.2008 um 21:00 schrieb NoOp:

On 05/14/2008 12:35 AM, Egon Reetz wrote:

using OO for a few days I just found that at least Writer, Calc and
Impress aren't using the "last used printer" but the printer, which
was the default during startup of OO.
I think this is something like an enhancement request.

I _think_ you can set the document to use a specific printer. However, I
seem to recall that doing that created some problems in the past when
the printer wasn't available.

Check the 'Printers' info in Help (F1). There seem to be quite a few
options for printer setup, adding, default, etc., and spadmin.

If you do figure it out, please post back and let us know the solution.

It's possible to change the OO printer under the File / Printer Settings menu. This seems to be valid only for the current document.

Using the "last default printer" option under OS X in contrast changes the default printer every time the user prints a document to the printer just used. This feature is mostly useful for users with notebooks, moving between different locations (home, office, customers e.g.) or often printing to different printers.

As far as I checked OO, the only way at this time is either to change the systems default printer before starting OO or to switch the printer within the printing dialog. For users who rarely close an app, have to use the second method.


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