Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Wednesday 14 May 2008 12:37:51 Alberto Muller wrote:
Hello all, I've been using this mailing list for 3 or 4 months thinking
that its main purpose is to help people joining the OO community to
learn how to use Open Office. Instead, I have seen endless rants and
pointless discussions about matters that have nothing to do with helping
people with OO. I'm just citing a few items : Top posting vs Bottom
posting (please stop it), OO needs an e-mail client (going on forever);
download time for OO (went immediately off track and landed to the
American Constitution and the size of gold coins at the actual rates).
Do we want to go on like that or shall we finally go back th the main
purpose of the mailing list ? Helping people with Open Office, nothing
else, and leave the rest to the philosophers. Personally I will
unsubscribe from the list if the current trend continues. Best regards.
Alberto Muller

I have a delete button :-)  So do you.

You are, of course, free to unsubscribe.

So are you.

 But I do not see the main purpose
being to "help people joining the OO community to learn how to use Open Office".

Then you I think you don’t understand its main purpose. See : “User-level discussion about software (questions, answers, how-to's, etc).”

That is certainly one of its purposes - but it is, I would have thought, also to enable people to help each other and to build up a supportive community.

And political rants instigated by an inveterate name-caller do this how? Arguments about inflation do this how? They divide more than the build up.

I too dislike political and religious discussions. But I do not have to read them. And I dislike even more those emails which try to dictate what everyone else must do.

You are also posting a email that tries to dictate what everyone else must do, that is they *should* ignore the increasing influx of off-topic messages or quit. Apparently we who are becoming increasingly sickened by this influx of off-topic messages should not post about it in your opinion. But who made you God?

Even the moderators only _request_. Tho' I do feel that we should respect their requests.

What moderators? If one or more of those posting here are moderators I am honestly unaware of it.

Which is why I did not reply before to your _OT_ post. However, now that you have written again to criticise the community, I feel that I must point out that no-one is forcing you to stay. If you want to stay and learn (and I for one have learnt a lot) you would be warmly welcomed. If you do not, you are obviously free to leave as soon as you wish to do so.

You are also free to leave. So what is your point? Everything you've said about not reading posts and just pushing the delete button and leaving if you really don’t like what you are reading applies to the post you are criticizing also.

We know we can leave, and I for one am also at the point of leaving, at least temporarily, as the crap to open-office help posts have become proportionally too high for my taste.

By the way, I think your own posts are generally very good.

And I am aware that this post is OT. I will not repeat something like this again in the near future.

Jim Allan

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