From: Jim Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 23, 2008 11:56:24 AM PDT
Subject: Re: OO for Mac for Lawyers


Please see my previous post which I believe provides a method of lining up text with numbers and single-spaced text with double-spaced text and allows you to set the spacing to the exact point size.

Jim Allan


The first time I looked at your posting about using grid lines and something called Ruby text settings, my eyes glazed over. Going back and looking again convinces me I need to try what you suggest. Even if it doesn't work, I'll learn something, and for that I thank you. It never ceases to amaze me the help and support one gets online from support groups like this one. This is almost as good as a Recovery Program as I slowly wean myself away from MSFT, and I'm down to only an occasional slip.

This weekend, however, I'm on a vacation in Bishop, CA USA for Mule Days with my new wife, so won't have a lot of time until we get back. Looking at mules and exploring the Eastern Sierra in California are much more fun that dealing with pleadings!! Some of my photography is posted at (Beware -- shameless personal promotion).


David Clark

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